Cryptanalytic challenges for wild McEliece
The following text is from
Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange, and Christiane Peters,
the authors of "Wild McEliece Incognito."
Some solutions have been submitted by Grégory Landais and Nicolas Sendrier.
We are processing the solutions.
The challenges
We have created a spectrum of cryptanalytic challenges
as a way to measure and focus progress
in attacking the "wild McEliece" cryptosystem
and the "wild McEliece incognito" cryptosystem.
Each challenge consists of a public key and a ciphertext;
we challenge the readers to find matching plaintext
or even to find the secret keys.
For each cryptosystem,
challenges are indexed by field size and by key size.
We will keep this site up to date to report
any solutions (plaintexts) sent to us---with credit to the first solver
of each challenge, and with as much detail as the solver is willing to
provide regarding how the challenge was cryptanalyzed;
any secret keys sent to us---with credit to the first solver of each
challenge, and with as much detail as the solver is willing to provide
regarding how the challenge was cryptanalyzed;
cryptanalytic benchmarks---measurements of the speed of publicly
available cryptanalytic software for the smaller challenges, as a way
for the community to verify and demonstrate improvements in attack
algorithms; and
predictions---estimates of how difficult the larger challenges will be
to break.
The challenge generator
We wrote a script
that works with the
Sage computer-algebra system.
This script is a reference implementation
of the McEliece cryptosystem, including wild McEliece, including wild McEliece incognito.
The implementation generates a random secret key and public key,
encrypts a random plaintext (Niederreiter-style),
decrypts the ciphertext, and checks for a match.
It prints the public key and ciphertext.
All of the challenges here were generated by this script.
Usage example:
sage wild.sage 13 3 451 24 2
The arguments are q, m, n, s, t; see the paper for definitions.
Wild McEliece
Wild McEliece incognito
This is version 2013.02.06 of the wild-challenges.html web page.